What performance should steam hoses have

What performance should steam hoses have

  • 2023-08-15 16:03:29

  Steam hose is a pipeline used to transport high-temperature and high-pressure steam, and its performance directly affects the normal operation and safety of the equipment. Therefore, selecting the appropriate steam hose is very important. The following are the properties that steam hoses should have:

1、 High temperature resistance
The steam hose needs to be able to withstand high temperature and pressure environments, with a typical working temperature of over 150 ° C and a maximum working pressure of over 20MPa. Therefore, steam hoses must have good high-temperature resistance and be able to maintain stable physical and chemical properties at high temperatures.
2、 Withstand voltage performance
Due to the need to withstand high-temperature and high-pressure environments, steam hoses must have good pressure resistance. During the working process, the pressure inside the hose will continue to increase. If the pressure resistance of the hose is not good, it will cause the hose to rupture or leak. Therefore, the pressure resistance of steam hoses is one of the most important performance indicators.
3、 Wear resistance
During long-term use, steam hoses can be affected by various factors such as friction, wear, corrosion, etc., which can shorten the lifespan of the hoses. Therefore, steam hoses must have good wear resistance and be able to maintain good physical and chemical properties during long-term use.
4、 Corrosion resistance
Due to frequent contact with corrosive media, steam hoses must have good corrosion resistance. The material of the steam hose should have strong corrosion resistance and be able to resist corrosion caused by factors such as acid, alkali, and oxidation. At the same time, attention should also be paid to preventing the hose from being corroded by external factors during use.
5、 Tensile strength and stiffness
Steam hoses need to be able to withstand certain tensile and bending radius requirements, therefore they must have good tensile strength and stiffness. During the working process, the hose can be affected by various factors, such as tension, bending radius, etc. If the tensile strength and stiffness of the hose are not good, it can cause deformation or rupture of the hose.
6、 Flexibility and Flexibility
Steam hoses need to be able to adapt to different installation environments and angle requirements, so they must have good flexibility and flexibility. During the installation process, the hose needs to be able to freely bend and move to adapt to different installation positions and angle requirements. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that the hose does not undergo excessive deformation or damage due to external forces during use.
7、 Sealing performance
The steam hose needs to have good sealing performance to prevent medium leakage or external gas from entering the system. Therefore, the material of the steam hose should have good air and water tightness, which can effectively prevent medium leakage or external gas from entering the system.
In summary, steam hoses should have properties such as high temperature resistance, pressure resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, tensile strength and stiffness, flexibility and flexibility, and sealing. Only steam hoses with these properties can meet the requirements of different working conditions, ensuring the normal operation and safety of the equipment.
