How to store rubber hoses for construction machinery

How to store rubber hoses for construction machinery

  • 2024-07-30 14:36:49

Rubber hoses used in construction machinery, especially high-quality PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) hoses, are widely used due to their excellent high temperature resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, and high electrical insulation. The correct storage method can not only maintain its performance, but also extend its service life. The following is a detailed guide on how to store rubber hoses for construction machinery:

Choose a suitable storage environment
temperature control
PTFE hoses should be stored in a temperature controlled environment to avoid extreme temperature changes. The ideal storage temperature should be between -20 ° C and+70 ° C. Excessive temperature may cause degradation of the hose material, while excessively low temperature may make it brittle, hard, and prone to breakage.

Humidity and ventilation
The storage environment should maintain low humidity and good ventilation to prevent mold or bacterial growth on the surface of the hose. High humidity environments are particularly unfavorable for rubber hoses, as they can cause adhesion or mold on the inner and outer layers of the hose, affecting its functionality and lifespan.

Stay away from sunlight and chemicals
Direct sunlight exposure can accelerate hose aging, so PTFE hoses should be stored in a cool place to avoid direct sunlight. In addition, the storage location needs to be away from chemicals and solvents, especially strong acids and bases that may react with PTFE, to prevent chemical corrosion and performance degradation.

Appropriate storage method
Avoid excessive bending and stretching
When storing PTFE hoses, ensure that they are placed naturally flat without excessive bending or stretching. Excessive bending or stretching can generate stress inside the hose, which may lead to shape deformation or structural damage over time. Suggest gently rolling up longer hoses instead of bending them for storage.

Use specialized hooks or brackets
For longer or larger hoses, hooks or specialized brackets can be used for storage to prevent the hoses from being stacked together for a long time or coming into contact with other heavy objects, causing accidental compression or damage. The use of hooks and brackets can maintain the natural shape of the hose and reduce the risk of deformation.

Regular inspection and adjustment
During storage, the condition of the hose should be regularly checked to confirm if there is any damage or deformation. If any problems are found, the storage method should be adjusted in a timely manner or damaged hoses should be replaced. This helps prevent small problems from developing into big ones and avoids more expensive repair or replacement costs in the future.

Maintenance and upkeep
Cleaning and maintenance
Although PTFE hoses have strong chemical resistance and non stick properties, regular cleaning is still necessary. Before storage, suitable cleaning agents and tools (such as soft cloths and mild cleaning agents) should be used to remove dirt and residue inside and outside the hose. This not only helps maintain its performance, but also prevents potential health and safety issues.

Inspection and flipping
If the hose has not been used for a long time, it is recommended to conduct regular physical inspections and, depending on the situation, turn it outward to check the inner wall. This can detect potential inner wall damage or wear early and promptly repair or replace it.

Avoid mechanical damage
During storage and use, care should be taken to avoid sharp objects or mechanical tools from causing mechanical damage such as punctures or fracking to the hose. In addition, it should be ensured that the hose does not rub near vibrating or moving equipment to prevent wear caused by prolonged friction.

The correct storage method and regular maintenance are key to ensuring the performance and extending the service life of PTFE hoses used in construction machinery. By following the above recommendations, not only can the hose be protected from unnecessary damage, but it can also ensure its optimal performance in harsh engineering environments. Remember, proper storage and maintenance are economical and effective ways to prevent problems and extend service life.
