What are the common problems encountered when using hydraulic hoses?

What are the common problems encountered when using hydraulic hoses?

  • 2023-10-30 14:17:54

 I. Aging and damage of hydraulic hoses

During the use of hydraulic hoses, aging and damage may occur due to long-term exposure to factors such as pressure, friction, and vibration. Common issues include:
Broken or worn outer layer. The outer layer of hydraulic hoses is usually made of rubber or other materials, which may rupture or wear after long-term use, leading to liquid or gas leakage.
Inner layer detachment or deformation. The inner layer of hydraulic hoses is usually made of polyester fiber or other materials, which may detach or deform after long-term use, leading to the loss of strength and pressure resistance of hydraulic hoses.
The reinforcement layer is broken or loose. Some hydraulic hoses with special structures require reinforcement layers to improve their strength and pressure resistance. After prolonged use, they may break or become loose, leading to hydraulic hose failure.
II Hydraulic hose connection issue
The connection of hydraulic hoses is one of the keys to ensuring their normal operation, but some problems can also occur during use, including:
Loose or leaking joints. The joints of hydraulic hoses are usually composed of nuts, clamps, sealing rings, etc. After long-term use, they may become loose or leak oil, leading to liquid or gas leakage.
Damaged or deformed joints. The joints of hydraulic hoses are usually made of metal materials, which can cause damage or deformation after prolonged use, resulting in the inability of the hydraulic hoses to function properly.
The connection is not secure. The connection of hydraulic hoses needs to be secure and reliable, but during use, there may be situations where the connection is not secure, leading to the hydraulic hoses falling off or failing.
III. Hydraulic hose installation issues
The installation of hydraulic hoses is also one of the important factors affecting their normal operation, but some problems can also occur during use, including:
Excessive bending or twisting. During the installation process, it is necessary to avoid excessive bending or twisting of the hydraulic hose, otherwise it may cause failure or damage to the hydraulic hose.
The length is not suitable. The length of hydraulic hoses needs to be selected based on actual needs, as being too long or too short can affect their normal operation and effectiveness.
Not firmly fixed. During the installation process, it is necessary to ensure that the hydraulic hose is firmly and reliably fixed, otherwise it may cause the hydraulic hose to fall off or fail.
In short, hydraulic hoses often encounter various problems during use, such as aging and damage, connection problems, and installation issues. To avoid these problems, users need to pay attention to regular inspection and maintenance of hydraulic hoses, and strictly follow relevant standards and requirements for installation and use. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose hydraulic hose products with reliable quality and follow the correct usage methods and operating procedures to ensure their safety and reliability.
